Von Der Wilmothhaus

ELY VON DER WILMOTHHAUS   born 02/13/2016
a normal hips and elbows, DM clear

07/15/2017 - SG at the Metro Detroit Show and Survey judged by Wilhelm Nordsieck
10/07/2017 - SG at the Mid East Regional Conformation Championship judged by Edgar Pertl
11/19/2017 - BH achieved at NEOWDA trial judged by SV Jakob Meyer
11/27/2019 - TR1 achieved at the OG Ohio Hundesport Trial---
09/20/2020 - Fpr2(TR2) at Countyline Hundesport's Trial judge by Al Govednik ----99 points!!!!!
06/13/2021 - Fpr3 at Countyline Hundesport Trial judged by Arthur Collins
Ely on March 1, 2017
practicing obedience.
Ely on September 18, 2016. VP1 in
a nice 6-9 month males class!!!!
Ely VP1 in the 6-9 month males on
September 18, 2016
Ely on September 18, 2016 VP1 in

the 6-9 month males fast lap!
Ely VP1 September 18, 2016
A headshot of Ely taken on
Sept 18, 2016 in Michigan!
Ely on Sept 18, 2016 in Michigan with
his favorite thing---THE BALL!!!!!
Ely and Beth after earning Ely's Fpr3
on June 13, 2021....tracking 3.
Ely and Beth in March 2020!
Ely and Beth Heeling
Ely and Beth-focus
April 2020
Ely, Beth and judge AL Govednik
after their 99 point track at the
Countyline Hundesport Trial Sept 2020
Ely at the Metro Detroit Conformation

Show on July 15, 2017 where he received

SG3 in a nice 12-18 month class.
Ely on June 1, 2016. LOVES
tennis balls OR toys!!!!
Ely on June 9, 2016...Loves
those tennis balls!!!!!
Ely on May 28, 2016 at the
POWDC trial"testing out" what
a podium feels like! Maybe???
Ely is growing up, but still
has to have his ball!
Ely on July 6, 2016 carrying sticks.
Uncle Cid taught him about sticks and
how much fun they are! Silly puppy!
Ely on July 6, 2016 watching
for the deer! NICE puppy!
Ely doing protection on May 27,
2017. Now that is a full bite!
Always a big full bite!
May 27, 2017.....
Ely honing his protection skills
on May 27, 2017! Nice.
Ely working on his stacking
in Pa on August 21, 2016!
Ely tracking in Pa ON
aUGUST 21, 2016. not
bad for 4 1/2 months old!
Ely on March 2, 2017 with his
VERY impportant ball!!!!