ELY VON DER WILMOTHHAUS born 02/13/2016a normal hips and elbows, DM clear
07/15/2017 - SG at the Metro Detroit Show and Survey judged by Wilhelm Nordsieck
10/07/2017 - SG at the Mid East Regional Conformation Championship judged by Edgar Pertl
11/19/2017 - BH achieved at NEOWDA trial judged by SV Jakob Meyer
11/27/2019 - TR1 achieved at the OG Ohio Hundesport Trial---
09/20/2020 - Fpr2(TR2) at Countyline Hundesport's Trial judge by Al Govednik ----99 points!!!!!
06/13/2021 - Fpr3 at Countyline Hundesport Trial judged by Arthur Collins